Our Code of Conduct shapes the way all °®¶¹ÉçÇø people work together, as well as the way we work with stakeholders including our clients, partners, suppliers and wider stakeholders everywhere we operate.
It sets out our commitment to environmental, social and governance factors, including:
- ensuring the health and safety of our workforce and those under our care
- rejecting child and forced labour
- providing a supportive and positive working environment
- having zero tolerance for all forms of bribery and corruption including facilitation payments
- managing gifts and hospitality with integrity
- avoiding conflicts of interest and insider trading
- having effective business relationships with subcontractors and other third parties
- ensuring the fair and lawful treatment of personal information
- respecting the environment
- building relationships and working collaboratively with communities
- committing to the principles of free and fair competition, and complying with all applicable national and international laws
- using the assets of the Group appropriately and complying with all applicable rules, laws and regulations governing business reporting
- meeting all continuous disclosure obligations.
Our Code of Conduct is supported by policies, procedures, training modules and a Group-wide Ethics Line, which provides an independent, anonymous and safe avenue for reporting.
Where the Code or a policy sets higher standards of behaviour than local laws, rules, customs or norms, the higher standards apply.